Terrence Malick: From essence to experience

I remember that moment i've heard about the Knight of Cup's project, a notice put in title: Released new poster and synopsis of Terrence Malick's film. Excited, mainly because i had liked "To The Wonder", I opened the link. The film poster looked to be provoking and the synopsis were summarized to a line: "A lost man in a world of fame". This is a genuinely Malick's mote in all the senses, because in these everyday journeys lives the frontier wich so remains in his films. The fury of a mother against God's evil, the fear of killing bigger than be killed, the anguish of a strange culture, the limits of a obsessive passion. The scale of this dramas is reduced by a essence that was always evocated by the thougts, and this is in all your movies since the Sissy Spacek's premiere in 1973. From there, however, the "empty" was never a conflit that suports itself just to exists. Malick uses this gaps to move forward the thinking process, like a way to discoverys what his characters was so crazy behind. That until 2011, with Tree of Life. What cames after that are looks so lost as the possibles answers.

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